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Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flow Meter with IO-Link - DON
For low and high viscous liquids
Measuring range: 0.5 - 36 l/h ... 150 - 2500 l/min liquid
Viscosity range: up to 1000 000 cP
Connection: G ⅛ ... G 4 female thread,
flange DN25 ... DN100, ASME 1 ... 4"
Material: aluminium, stainless steel
pmax: 100 bar
tmax: 150 °C
Accuracy: ±0.2 ... 1 % of reading
Pulse output, analogue output, contacts, digital / pointer indicator, batcher, counter
Universal electronics U-PACE

Operating Instructions
Service Videos DON-...M
Video showing resetting of Grand Totaliser
Video showing change of flow direction of mechanical counter
Principle of Operation
Oval gear flow meters are categorised as positive displacement flow technology. When liquid flows through this type of positive displacement flow meter, two oval geared rotors measure a constant volume per rotation within a precisely machined measuring chamber. With each rotation, a constant volume of liquid is measured. The rotation of the oval gears is sensed via magnets embedded within the rotors. These magnets transmit a high resolution pulse output. The output signal can be process externally via a remote display controller or PLC or via a variety of output/display options available as accessories attached to the flowmeters.