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nkp-fuellstand.png: Plastic Level Switch NKP

Plastic Level Switch NKP

For liquids

Contact: 1 reed switch
Connection: G ½ A female thread, ½" NPT, M16
Material: polypropylene, PVDF
pmax: 10 bar
tmax: 100°C
Liquid density: from 0.6 g/ml


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Operating Instructions

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NKP - Operating Instructions

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General Safety Instructions

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The plastic level switch NKP is designed for economical control of liquids in vessels. Many industrial applications can be realized with two different plastic versions each with three different mountings. The switch is remarkable for its maintenance-free design, small dimensions and reed contacts with high switch capacity.

The switch is mounted on the side of the vessel. A hinged plastic float with a magnet floats up and down through the liquid level. The encapsulated reed contact is operated by the magnet. The switching function (N/O contact / N/C contact) is determined by the installation position. The switching function is reversed by simply rotating the switch through 180°.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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