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Pendulum Level Limit Switch PLS
For bulks
Electrodes: max. 2 m
Contact: 1 micro switch (max. 250 VAC
Connection: circular flange Ø 142 mm, aluminium
Material electrodes: aluminium
Pressure range: -0.1 ... +0.5 bar
tmax: +80°C

The KOBOLD pendulum level monitors model PLS serve for the monitoring of the maximum fill level of bulk solids in storage tanks and silos. The monitor is made out of two parts: the aluminium connection housing with the microswitch and the connection terminals and the pendulum rod with the measuring cone.
The monitor is installed vertically on the side of the filling piece. When a silo is filled with bulk solids, a cone is created which causes the measuring cone of the level monitor to swing to the side as the fill level increases. This swing movement is transferred from the pendulum rod to the microswitch directly.