KOBOLD Instruments Inc • 1801 Parkway View Drive • 15205 Pittsburgh, PA • Tel: +1 412 788 2830 • E-mail: Please activate JavaScript • visit koboldusa.com

hnd-p-druck.png: Hand-Held Pressure Gauge HND-P

Hand-Held Pressure Gauge HND-P

For relative pressure or absolute pressure

Measuring ranges: from 0 ... 1000 bar rel.
Sensor: external or integrated
Accuracy: starting with ±0.1 % of full scale
Supply: 9 V battery
Options: Hold Function, Min/Max-memory, Tara function, data logger, output 0 - 1 V, RS 232



HND-P121/-P231, HND-P123/-P233, HND-P126/-P236, HND-P127

HND-P121/-P231, HND-P123/-P233, HND-P126/-P236, HND-P127




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290 KB

Operating Instructions

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HND-P105 - Operating Instructions

329 KB
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HND-P121/123/126/127/129 - Operating Instructions

536 KB
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HND-P210 - Operating Instructions

364 KB
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HND-P215 - Operating Instructions

629 KB
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HND-P231/233/236/239 - Operating Instructions

604 KB
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HND-PS01-PS08 - Operating Instructions

169 KB
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HND-PS/-PA - Operating Instructions

266 KB


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General Safety Instructions

190 KB


Nearly all measuring tasks for the determination of pressure can be performed with the HND-P series KOBOLD hand-held pressure measuring devices. Various housing designs make it
possible to find the right housing with the appropriate characteristic for every application. In addition to the large selection of external pressure sensors up to max. 400 bar absolute, measuring devices with integrated sensors in the millibar range are also available.

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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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