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sen-98-99-druck.png: Pressure Sensors with Ceramic Element SEN-98/-99

Pressure Sensors with Ceramic Element SEN-98/-99

Internal measuring element for relative pressure

Measuring range:
0 ... 1 ... 0 ... 600 bar
Connection: G ¼, G ½ male thread,
¼", ½" NPT male thread, stainless steel
Accuracy: 0.5 % (0.25 %) of span
Analogue output


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143 KB

Operating Instructions

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SEN-98/-99 - Operating Instructions

240 KB


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General Safety Instructions

190 KB


The KOBOLD SEN-98/-99 Standard model is an electronic transmitter with ceramic sensor for air, industrial, technical gases and water and oil, designed to be installed in gas distribution plants, on bottles, on refrigerators, on compressors, on vacuum pumps and hydraulics and water high pressure plants. It is ideally suited to be used in the industry in general, in the gas stocking or machines production, in light or heavy pneumatics industry, in the refrigeration industry, in welding and vacuum.


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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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