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man-n-s-druck.png: All Stainless Steel Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauges for Exceptional Safety MAN-N...S

All Stainless Steel Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauges for Exceptional Safety MAN-N...S

Measuring range: -1 ...  0 ... 0 ... +1600 bar
Connection: G ¼, G ½, ¼" NPT, ½" NPT male thread, stainless steel
Housing material: stainless steel
Housing: Ø 63, 100, 150 mm
Accuracy class: 1.6 or 1.0
Option: damping liquid, oxygen service


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Operating Instructions

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MAN - Operating Instructions

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General Safety Instructions

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These Solid-front instruments are built in accordance with safety specifications of EN 837.1 and ASME B40.1. The safety construction consists of a solid separating wall in stainless steel, placed between the scale and the elastic element and a blow out back which is released from the case whenever an internal pressure, due to leaks, is created or the elastic element is broken.

A leak tight fit is ensured if the instrument is filled with a dampening fluid to prevent damage due to vibration. These instruments are designed for use in food, beverage, pharmaceutical,  cryogenic, chemical and petrochemical processing industries, and in conventional and nuclear power plants. They are built to resist the most severe operating conditions created by the  ambient environment and the process medium.


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KOBOLD Instruments Inc.

1801 Parkway View Drive
15205 Pittsburgh PA
United States of America

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