Production and Quality Control

Our production plants in Germany and the United States of America produce quality products you need. Optimised production pursuant to recognised quality principles provides products that are economical, highly reliable and have a long life.
Manufacturing - our Strength
The developments of our technical and engineering groups, as well as the fulfilment of our customers requirements and orders are undertaken in our own words. This leads to three major advantages. The close relationship between our engineering and manufacturing sections ensures the ability to react quickly to customer requirements and to rapidly incorporate product improvements. Secondly, in-house manufacturing is an economic factor which is of ultimate benefit to the customer, and finally, permits reliable control of a high level of Quality Assurance.
Manufacturing Quality - Your Guarantee
Our customers have the right to receive a reliable product. Our professional pride would have it no other way. In-house production allows us to set our own high standards for quality control. Control methods ranging from statistical sampling of instruments on the production line, to individual, 100 %, testing provide you, the customer, with the highest assurance of quality.
Consultancy and Engineering
Our highly qualified sales engineers advise you quickly and reliably. An extensive team of field staff will also advise you on site. Many products are available from our stores at short notice. KOBOLD also offers, within the total product programme, a number of other products to complement it’s own manufactured range. The supply of these products is an additional service to our customers, whereby on the one hand the range is as wide as possible and on the other, KOBOLD undertakes to provide engineering and consultancy services at no cost to it’s customers.
Mass production yields the optimum economics to the benefit of the customer.